Billed by some as ‘the brightest object in the night sky,’ there is something new in the heavens above (1).  Conceived by aerospace engineer Peter Beck, constructed by California-based Rocket Lab and launched from New Zealand (2), the Humanity Star (3) is intended to convey a message about the relative insignificance of the rest of us.

The Humanity Star is a low Earth orbit satellite equipped with mirrors.  Slightly larger than Sputnik 1, the 1957 herald of the Space Race, the Humanity Star is also designed to grab attention.  The new celestial object will be visible at night with a brightness estimated to be greater than the stars and most satellites (2).  It will definitely not be the brightest object in the night sky, the Moon will keep that honor, but it could give some planets, the occasional meteor, the International Space Station and aircraft some strong competition for runner-up.


It is not clear who requested purported millionaire Peter Beck (2) take on this mission to set all us lesser beings straight about our true place in the Universe.  Regardless, we have this opportunity for the next 6-9 months until the ‘star’ decays out of orbit and returns to Earth.  That fiery demise may not necessarily signal the end to orbiting billboards – depending on public reactions more Humanity Stars may be rocketed into space. 

We live in interesting times in which accomplished and wealthy patrons are taking on roles in space technology development and exploration projects that were formerly an exclusive purview of nation-states.  Will the future explorers of Mars and other solar system sites adhere to international accords for planetary protection or will they decide to act more like high-tech privateers? 

Maybe the times will get even more interesting as wealthy sponsors discover the allure of emerging biotechnologies.  Will the next frontier will be efforts to stave off ageing or something more radical like perfecting the ability to clone a human being?  After all, what could be more enticing to the super-empowered rich than making more of themselves for the rest of us to enjoy?  Sovereign citizens of the world bound only by the limits of their personal moral codes, the big question might become what will they think of next?    

(1) Erin Brodwin.   For the Next 9 Months, the Brightest Object in the Night Sky Will Be a Tiny. Disco-ball-like Satellite.  Business Insider, 24 January 2018.

(2) George Dvorsky. Shimmering Disco Ball Launched Into Space by a Millionaire Who is Totally Not Compensating for Anything.  Gizmodo, 25 January 2018.

